A. Background
1. Definition
of Method
It is important to explain about method first before we have further
discussion on post-method. A clear distinction between these two concepts will
help us to build a better understanding. Citing
the original Greek word, methodos, which “includes the idea of a series of steps leading towards a conceived goal”, the Encyclopedia defines method simply as “a planned way of doing something.” (Kumaradivelu, 2008: 162).
Terminologically, method is
a single set of theoretical principles
derived from feeder disciplines and a single set of classroom
procedures directed at classroom teachers.”
There are commonly 15 types of methods taught for language teachers and
then used in the classroom practice in various parts of the world such as
Audiolingual method, Communicative Language Teaching, Community Language
Learning, Competency-Based Language Teaching, Direct Method, Natural Approach,
Grammar Translation Method, Oral Situational Language Teaching, Lexical
Approach, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Task-Based Language Teaching, Total
physical response, and more. Each of these methods has a specified set of
theoretical principles and a specified set of classroom practices.
Thus, each
method provides different pathways of language teaching and learning. Unfortunately,
those sets of principles exactly is too inadequate and to limited to
satisfactorily explain the complexity of language teaching and learning. A
detail explanation of this statement will be clearly described in the following
2. Limitation
of Method
As stated above, methods have some limitations that make it cannot
adequately explain the complexity of language teaching and learning.
Furthermore, Kumaravadivelu provides some facts to argue that none of the
established methods can be realized in their purest form in the actual
classroom. It is because those methods are not derived from their classroom but
are artificially transplanted into it. Here are the facts that are revealed several
research findings:
§ Teachers who claim to follow a particular
method do not conform to its
theoretical principles and classroom procedures at all;
§ Teachers
who claim to follow different methods often use the same classroom
§ Teachers
who claim to follow the same method often use different procedures,
§ Teachers
develop and follow in their classroom a carefully crafted sequence of activities not necessarily associated with any particular method.
Based on these facts, we can say that teachers seem to be convinced that no single
theory of learning and no single
method of teaching will help them confront the challenges
of everyday teaching. They use their own intuitive ability and experiential knowledge to decide what works and what does not work. There is thus a significant variance between what theorists advocate
and what teachers do in their classroom.
Furthermore, Brown listed several reasons why said the whole concept of separate method is
no longer a central issue in language teaching practice as follows:
are too prescriptive, assuming too much about a context before the context has
even been identified. They are therefore overgeneralized in their potential
application to practical situations.
methods are quite distinctive at the early, beginning the stages of a language
course and rather indistinguishable from each other at later stages.
effectiveness of a method commonly tested by scientific quantification.
However, something as artful and intuitive as language pedagogy cannot ever be
so clearly verified by empirical validation.
usually referred to the creation of powerful “center,” and become vehicles of a
“linguistic” imperialism.
These limitations of methods, then,
are the main reason of the existence of post-method condition.
B. Post-Method
is defined to the construction of classroom procedures
and principles by the teacher himself/herself based on his/her prior and experiential knowledge
and/or certain strategies. In other words, post-method involves practitioners constructing
“classroom-oriented” theories of practice.
explains that post-method pedagogy can be visualized by its three pedagogic
parameters: particularity, practicality, and possibility.
Ø The parameter of particularity. It refers to
particularity and sensitivity of any post-method pedagogy to particular
group of teachers teaching
a particular group of learners,
pursuing a particular set of goals within a particular institutional
context embedded in a particular sociocultural mileu.
Ø The parameter of practicality. Specifically it refers
to teacher’s skill in monitoring his or her own teaching effectiveness.
Ø The parameter of possibility. It means
that the experiences participants bring to the pedagogical setting are shaped,
not just by what they experience in the classroom, but also by a broader
social, economic, and political environment in which they grow up. Thus,
post-method pedagogy should consider all of those things.
All those principles manifest themselves in what
Kumaravadivelu said as pedagogic indicators. They refer to those functions and features that are
considered to reflect the role
played by key participants in the L2 learning and teaching
operations governing postmethod pedagogy.
Ø Post-method learners. Postmethod pedagogy allows learners a role in
pedagogic decision making by
treating them as active and autonomous players.
Ø The post-method teacher. The postmethod teacher is considered to be an autonomous teacher. Teacher autonomy is so central that
it can be seen as defining the heart of
postmethod pedagogy. It also
promotes the ability of teachers to know how to develop a
reflective approach to their own teaching, how to analyze and evaluate their own teaching acts, how to initiate change in their
classroom, and how to monitor the
effects of such changes.
Ø The post-method teacher educator. The task of the postmethod teacher educator is
to create conditions for prospective
teachers to acquire necessary authority and autonomy that will enable them to reflect on and shape their own pedagogic
experiences, and in
certain cases transform such experiences.
C. Post-Method Pedagogy
are some
of the attempts that have recently been made to lay the foundation for the
construction of pedagogies that can be considered postmethod in the orientation. In
order to do that, Kumaravadivelu considers only those proposals that (a) make a clear and
consequential break with the concept of method, (b) provide a coherent and
comprehensive framework to the extent allowed by the current state of knowledge,
and (c) offer a welldefined and well-explained set of ideas that may guide important
aspects of L2 classroom activity. He recognizes that these requirements lack precise definitions, and that any choice based
on them will remain subjective.
those conditions and caveats in mind, Kumaravadivelu choose to highlight three postmethod frameworks: (a)
Stern’s three-dimensional framework, (b) Allwright’s Exploratory Practice
framework, and (c) Kumaravadivelu’s macrostrategic framework. In choosing
these three, he is not suggesting that they exemplify all, or even most, of the parameters and indicators
of postmethod pedagogy. In fact, it should be noted that the parameters and
indicators are his personal views of what should constitute the fundamentals of a
postmethod pedagogy. Neither Stern’s nor Allwright’s framework takes them as points of
departure, although the essence of some of the parameters
and indicators are implicit in their work.
The three dimensional
The three-dimensional framework for language
teaching may be considered the first attempt to come out with a coherent and
wide-ranging plan for constructing a postmethod pedagogy. It was proposed
by Stern who was founder and former head of the Modern Language Centre at
the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Canada, from 1968 to 1981 and was
Professor Emeritus at the same Institute from 1981 to 1987. It does not favor the application of restricted ends of the
continuum in its principles. It suggests that one should find a middle path in the application of the
following principles.
Stern’s strategy concept comprises teaching
strategies and learning strategies that are based on three dimensions: (a) the
L1–L2 connection, concerning the use or nonuse of the first language in
learning the second; (b) the code-communication dilemma, concerning the
structure–message relationship; and (c) the explicit–implicit option,
concerning the basic approach to language learning. Thus, each dimension
consists of two strategies plotted at two ends of a continuum.
Ø The Intralingual–Crosslingual Dimension
The terms intralingual and intracultural
refer to those techniques that remain within the target language (L2) and target
culture (C2) as the frame of reference for teaching. Crosslingual and crosscultural
pertain to techniques that use features of the native language (L1) and native
culture (C1) for comparison purposes.
Intra-lingual strategy involves keeping the
two language systems completely separate from each other, cross-lingual
strategy suggests that L2 is acquired and known through the use of first language. In other words, this
principle does not bring any restrictions regarding the use of native language in the classroom
unlike many conventional methods such as Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method and
Communicative Methods and encourages teachers to make a decision about the degree of using
the native language according to the level and needs of the learners. It is suggested that
cross-linguistic techniques are appropriate at the initial stages of language
learning whereas intra-lingual techniques are appropriate in advanced stages. As
Stern (1992) puts forward, “L1-L2 connection is an indisputable fact of life”
(Stern, 1992, p. 282) since the use of L1 in certain periods results in a lesson
where questions can be asked, meanings can be verified, uncertainties can be made clear and prevented
and explanations can be given which would not be possible and accessible to the learner
in L2. As the following box shows, the presence or the absence of translation as a
technique marks the criterial feature of interlingual and crosslingual
Ø The Analytic-Experiential Dimension
The analytic strategy involves explicit focus
on forms of language such as grammar, vocabulary, notions and functions with
emphasis on accuracy; experiential strategy is messageoriented and involves interaction in
communicative contexts with emphasis on fluency (Kumaravadivelu, 2006).
Furthermore, analytic strategy “abstracts, decontextualizes, and isolates language phenomena or skill
aspects for scrutiny, diagnosis, and practice” (Stern, 1992, p. 310) through mechanical drills.
Experiential strategy; on the other hand, emphasizes meaningful activities such as
projects, games, problem-solving tasks, writing a report, discussion and giving
a talk. Stern (1992) puts forward that one type of strategy cannot be
effective without the other type. Therefore, both types of strategies are
complementary to each other and carry utmost importance for language learners. The
lesson plan used in this paper includes both analytic and experiential techniques. Consider the following contrastive terms collected
by Stern (only a partial list is given here):
Ø Explicit–Implicit Dimension
Stern (1992) argues that language can be
taught both explicitly through conscious learning and implicitly through subconscious
acquisition. Unlike what conventional methods dictate, this dimension does not strongly
impose one end of the dimension and disregard the other end. Decision on the degree of using
explicit and implicit strategies depend on the language topic, the course objectives, the
characteristics of the students, the needs, students’ age, maturity, and
previous experience (Stern, 1992). While some forms of language are of an
appropriate complexity to be presented and taught explicitly, other forms
are not easy to be introduced explicitly as “language can be much too complex to
be fully described” (Stern, 1992, p. 339). The explicit-implicit dimension
can be explained from the table below:
The exploratory
practice framework
The Exploratory Practice framework has been evolving for
nearly a decade now. Its
principal author is Allwright, who retired as a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language at the University of Lancaster in Britain in the year 2003, after having served there
for many years.
Allwright has been exploring
alternatives to method. His answer: Exploratory Practice (EP). Although the EP framework has had, as he puts it, an “academic”
origin, it has gradually become a
practitioner project shaped largely by teachers and learners.
He traces the origin of the framework to a brief Epilogue in Focus on the Language Classroom, a 1991 book he coauthored with Bailey. The
Epilogue forms part of the final chapter, titled
“Towards Exploratory Teaching.” In it,
he explains the term exploratory teaching as “teaching that not only tries out new ideas” but also one that further explores tried
and trusted ideas in order “to learn
as much as possible from doing so” (p. 196). In other
words, exploratory teaching “is a mater of trying to find out what makes the tried and trusted ideas successful. Because in the
long run it is not enough to know that
ideas do work; we need also to know why and how they
work” (p. 196).
Ø The Principle of Exploratory Practice
Exploratory Practice is premised upon a philosophy that is
stated in three fundamental
tenets: (a) the quality of life in the language classroom is much more important than instructional efficiency; (b) ensuring our understanding of the quality of classroom life is far more essential than
developing ever “improved”
teaching techniques; and (c) understanding such a quality of life is a social, not an asocial matter, that is,
all practitioners can expect to gain
from this mutual process of working for understanding. Consistent with these philosophical tenets, Allwright presents the
following “principles description”
of EP in what he calls “one convoluted sentence”:
Practice involves:
1. practitioners (e.g.: preferably teachers and learners
together) working to
(a) what
they want to understand, following their own agendas;
(b) not
necessarily in order to bring about change;
(c) not
primarily by changing;
(d) but by using normal pedagogic practices as
investigative tools, so that
working for understanding is part of the teaching and learning, not extra to it;
(e) in a way that does not lead to “burn-out,” but that is indefinitely
2. in
order to contribute to:
(f) teaching
and learning themselves;
(g) professional
development, both individual and collective.
From this one overarching sentence, seven general principles
have been derived. They are:
1: Put “quality of life” first.
2: Work primarily to understand language classroom life.
3: Involve everybody.
4: Work to bring people together.
5: Work also for mutual development.
6: Integrate the work for understanding into classroom practice.
7: Make the work a continuous enterprise.
Ø The Practice of Exploratory Practice
The Practices of Exploratory Practice are aimed at helping teachers
(and potentially learners too) to investigate the areas of learning and teaching they wish to explore by using familiar classroom
activities as the investigative tools.
The use of classroom activities themselves as investigative tools is what differentiates, in a significant way, the practice
of EP from the notion of Action Research, which uses
standard academic research techniques
aimed at solving practical classroom problems.
According to Allwright and Lenzuen (1997) and Allwright (2000),
the EP practice involves a series of basic steps,as such:
Step 1:
Identifying a puzzle. It
involves finding something puzzling in a teaching
and learning situation. The word puzzle is preferred to problem because of the negative connotation associated with the latter.
Step 2:
Reflecting upon the puzzle.
It involves thinking about the puzzle in order
understand it without actually taking any direct action. For example, if there is a problem of large classes, it may be beneficial to
treat diversity as resource rather than think of
eliminating it by taking any direct action.
Step 3:
Monitoring. It
involves paying special attention, if necessary, to the
phenomenon that is puzzling the teacher, in order to understand it better.
Step 4:
Taking direct action to generate data.
It involves generating additional data, if
needed, by using classroom activities such as group work, not standard academic data-collection techniques.
Step 5:
Considering the outcomes reached so far, and deciding what to do next. It
involves determining whether there is sufficient justification to move on, or whether a further period of reflection and more data are
Step 6:
Moving on. It
involves, provided adequate understanding has already been
reached, deciding to choose from several options, such as discussing with students, or adjusting expectations, or protesting about
the state of affairs, or actually doing something
to alleviate the situation, or taking a
critical pedagogic stance and moving toward transforming the educational system.
Step 7:
Going public. It
involves, if adequate understanding of the puzzle is
reached, and if found an improved “quality of classroom life” to go public and share the benefit with others, or to get feedback from others.
The Global and the Local
An important concern Allwright seems to be wrestling with is the
exact connection between
the principles and the practices of EP. He sees the need for
global principles for general guidance, but their implications need to be worked out for local everyday practice. He sees a cyclical
connection between the two,
as represented in what he calls a “crude loop diagram”:
The macrostrategy
macro-strategy is a general plan, a broad guideline based on which teachers can
conduct their situation-specific lessons. They are put into practice
through micro-strategies. In addition, “practicing and prospective teachers
need a framework that can enable them to develop the knowledge, skill,
attitude, and autonomy necessary to devise for themselves a systematic,
coherent, and relevant personal theory of practice” (Kumaravadivelu,
2003a, p. 40). There are 10
kinds of macrostrategies:
Maximize learning
opportunities. This principle emphasizes teaching as a process of creating
and using learning opportunities. For example, when a student asks a meaning
of a particular word, the teacher does not immediately answer it but asks
other students to volunteer.
Minimize perceptual
mismatches. This principle involves recognizing perceptual mismatches
between teacher intention and learner interpretation or vice versa.
Facilitate negotiated
interaction. This principle encourages giving learners the chance to
initiate conversations as well as reacting and responding.
Promote learner
autonomy. This principle indicates the importance of helping students
to learn how to learn.
Foster language
awareness. This principle emphasizes drawing learners’ attention to the
formal aspects of L2 to promote learning.
Activate intuitive heuristics. This principle
highlights the importance of providing learners with rich textual data and
allowing them to infer the underlying rules through self-discovery.
linguistic input.
This principle involves the integration
of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and discourse aspects of language
(Kumaravadivelu, 2003a).
Integrate language
skills: Kumaravadivelu (2003a) argues that though some textbooks are
said to combine reading and
writing as one unit and listening and
speaking as another, this seems to be impossible as learners actually
integrate various language skills not restrictively the ones indicated.
Raise cultural
This principle emphasizes creating
awareness and empathy towards L2 culture by giving students the
opportunity to make comparisons between their culture and the target culture
and to develop critical cultural consciousness.
Ensure social
This principle involves the need for
teachers to be sensitive to the social, political, economic and educational
environment where the L2 learning takes place.
Microstrategies are
classroom procedures that are designed to realize the objectives of a particular macrostrategy. Each macrostrategy can have any number of, and any type of, microstrategies,
depending on the local learning and teaching situation; the possibilities are
endless. However, microstrategies are
conditioned and constrained by the national, regional, or local language policy and planning, curricular objectives,
institutional resources, and a
host of other factors that shape the learning and teaching enterprise
in a given context.
D. Post-Method Predicament
In this subtopic, we will explain
challenging barrier for the implementation of pedagogy.
Ø Pedagogical barrier. The pedagogical barrier relates to the content
and character of L2 teacher education. As
is well known by now, most models of L2 teacher preparation that have been in place for a long time merely transfer a set of
predetermined, preselected, and
presequenced body of knowledge from the teacher educator to the prospective teacher. Many teachers has been engaged in the concept of
method for a long time and it is difficult for them to move into post-method
The ideological barrier. It refers to barriers which
is managed and manipulated by by
much larger forces with a formidable political, economic, and cultural agenda.
E. Facilitating Factors
Facilitating factors refer
to recent developments that may help cope with, and
eventually overcome, the harmful effects
of barriers to postmethod pedagogy. There are two main factors mentioned
by Kumarapadivelu:
Ø The growing attempt to legitimize local
knowledge. For example, the ELT
professional community, both in the center countries and
in the periphery regions, has recently been exploring the nature and scope of local knowledge particularly in light of the emerging
process of globalization. For
instance, the Journal of Language, Identity and Education (2002) published a thematic issue focusing on
local knowledge. A volume on Globalization
and Language Teaching, edited by Block and Cameron (2002)
explored the changing language teaching policies and practices around the world in light of the emerging process of
globalization. In the same
year, Singh, Kell, and Pandian (2002) published Appropriating English: Innovation in the Global Business of English
Language Teaching, in which
they discuss the challenges facing teachers and
teacher educators in the transnational ELTmarket.
Ø The
rapid expansion, in recent times, of the
research agenda of some of the TESOL professionals. A cluster of books appeared recently
offer ideas of post-method pedagogy. For
instance, Breen and Littlejohn
(2000) bring together personal accounts from teachers
who all have shared their pedagogic decision-making process with their students through a process of negotiation. Brumfit (2001)
suggests how to maintain a high degree
of individual freedom and teacher choice in language teaching
by integrating theoretical and empirical work with individual and institutional needs. Johnson and Golombek (2002) have
collected personal, contextualized
stories of teachers assessing their own “ways of knowing,” thus
contributing to our understanding of teacher cognition and teacher
Brown, H.D. 2002.
English Language Teaching in the “Post-Method” Era: Toward Better Diagnosis,
Treatment, and Assessment in J.C. Richards and W.A. Renandya: Methodology in Language Teaching. New
York: Cambridge.
Can, Nilufer. nd. Post-Method Pedagogy: Teacher Growth behind
Walls. A paper presented on the 10th METU ELT Convention.
Kumaravadivelu, B.
2008. Understaning Language Teaching:
From Method to Postmethod. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher.
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