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Monday, March 26, 2012

Tugas Kuliah

Curriculum 1984
General Description
The prominent figures of curriculum 1984 was Prof. Dr. Conny, R. Setiawan as the leader of Pusat Kurikulum Depdiknas (1980-1986). This curriculum released because of a consideration that the curriculum 1975 is no longer compatible with the needs of the community and the demands of science and technology. It legalized based on Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 0461/U/1983 on October 22, 1983 about accomplishment of elementary and secondary curriculum in area of educational and cultural department (Suparlan, 2009: 18). In general, the basic curriculums 1975 change to the curriculum 1984 are as follows (Siska Eliyanti, 2010).
a.       There is a clash between the field of study curriculum materials with the ability of the students.
b.      There is a gap between the program and the implementation of the curriculum in schools.
c.       Too much curriculum content to be taught.
d.      Procurement of new courses (such as in high school) to meet the needs of employment.

Curriculum 1984 has characteristics as follows.
a.       Oriented to the instructional goals. Based on the view that the students learn in school is very limited, so that learning in the classroom must be functional and effective. Therefore, before choosing or set of teaching materials, which must first be defined is what the goal should be achieved by students.
b.      The approach of teaching is based on students with student’s active learning system (Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif, CBSA). CBSA is a teaching approach that provides the opportunity for students to actively engage the physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, and with hope that students get the maximum learning experience, both in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
c.       The lesson material is packed using spiral approach. Spiral is the approach used in the packaging of teaching materials based on the width and depth of learning materials. The higher the class and school levels, the more knowledgeable in the materials and lessons provided.
d.      Provide concept of science before exercises. Concepts must be based on the understanding, then after the training given to understand. To support the understanding, tools used to help students understand the concept.
e.       The material is given based on the level of maturity or readiness of students.
f.       Using the skills of the process. Skills in the process of learning are the approach that emphasizes how to acquire knowledge and communicate results. This approach should be done effectively to achieve the goal of lessons.
Method Used in Teaching
In 1984, constructivism theory had bigger influence rather than behaviourist. Then, it made a side effect that the focus on language learning should be in its function rather than its structure. Consequently, method used in this curriculum is Communicative Approach. Students were taught foreign langauge language in order that they have capability to communicate in the target language effectively (Suherman, 2010). Unfortunately, according to Anita Lie, an Assosiate Director Asia TEFL (2007), that goal cannot be reached at all. Students’ guidence book still in structure-oriented model and most of English teachers was not very competence and their speaking ability was not very fluent as well.
Teaching Materials
      The focus of teaching is on four skills of English e.i Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Theme of lesson is about self-introduction, things, clothes, profession/job, colour, etc. This example of lesson materials in 1984 based on a certain students’ book:
Unit 1
This is my…..
My/his/her name is…..
Dr. Gunawan. His name is Dr. Gunawan
Mrs. Tati Gunawan. Her name is Mrs. Tati Gunawan.

Anita Lie. 2007.  Antara Sekolah dan Kursus. Retrieved August 12, 2010.

Siscka Elvyanti. 2010. Indonesian Curriculum History. Retrieved August 7, 2010.

Suherman. (2010). Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing. Retrieved August 12, 2010.

Suparlan. (2009). Modul Kurikulum dan Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tama Jagakarsa.

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